Art glass with the spirit

Each art glass work is absolutly one of the kind and unique, created to individual order. We begin the design process with an initial consultation at our Studio or at the client's home or place, where the project will be occurring. We study the location in terms of orientation towards the sides of the world and intensity of natural light. We advise on technical issues (e.g. type of frames, divisions) and with conceptual ones - the choice of style and motives matching the interior. We discuss with the clients all aesthetical aspects so we can better understand their vision and taste and prepare the project that will fully meet their expectations. We can guarantee the highest levels of quality and professionalism at every stage of the project.

Art glass offers us an incredibly wide range of possibilities. Depending on the design it can match modern and classic architecture. This technique can be applied for unique art objects - sculptures and for more "everyday purposes" - walls, doors, facade panels. We strive to create the project that will compliment the space the best possible way and bring the special touch to it.